Writing is hard and a chore sometimes, so help with my essay was critical for my progress. Some students are intimidated with writing, as they think it requires “talent.” Generally, writing requires skill, not a talent or gift.
Fortunately, Nerdify helps students develop their writing skills. Today, Nerdify and I reveal things that professors normally never say about essay writing.
1. Help with an Essay Gives a Catchy Title
Most students take the title for granted. It’s normal to exert extra effort in writing the most outstanding essay. But was the same amount of effort used on creating a title? Surely, there are students out there who are guilty of this crime.
A title engages the reader in reading the whole essay. It prompts him/her to say: “Interesting! I should keep reading!” A snappy title stands out from the rest. From the audience’s perspective, they don’t read the first line if the title is too “boring” — even if the content is fascinating.
Titles are just as important as the contents because a catchy title compels the reader to continue reading the rest of the student’s work.
Hence, consulting Nerds is the right choice. Nerds consider the type of paper the student is writing. For example, a witty title is more suitable for a personal narrative essay whereas a formal but attention-grabbing title is perfect for a research paper.
Alternatively, Nerds may also suggest students use figures of speech or symbolism as a title. Nerds also bear in mind the professor’s guidelines. From their experience, some professors don’t like witty or funny titles.
Given the Nerds’ expertise, it’s no surprise that the titles they help generate blow the socks off of teachers. With the great title comes with great responsibility.
2. I Needed Help with Essay, and I Discovered that Proofreading is Important
Some students submit their papers without proofreading them, which soon forces them to seek help with an essay. It does sound badass on paper, but how does it work in practice?
Nerds think that it is not a good idea. The majority of college-level teachers are strict with proofreading. Hence, it’s common to allocate a percentage of their grading rubric to all the proofreading.
Professors deduct at least one point for every error in the paper. This places pressure on students. For example, an anxious student kept printing his research paper to proofread it, as he did not want to receive deductions. Of course, nothing is perfect. It’s not wrong to commit mistakes. However, an error-free essay is more readable and professional.
Professors deduct one point for every error, which pressures the latter to write perfectly. However, Nerds act as a second pair of eyes, as they can spot mistakes that students may have missed.
Utilizing the text-to-speech option on Google Docs and Microsoft Word is an excellent technique. It’s effective in fixing awkward mistakes. It’s an actually better method than silently reading the draft from the screen. However, a number of students tend to space out as they listen to the speaker’s robotic voice. It’s not surprising if students missed a few proofreading mistakes.
The solution? Nerdify offers proofreading assistance to students who want to ensure their paper is flawless. Nerds understand the need for a 100% mistake-free paper. And they know how it feels to be grade conscious. Nerds eliminate the most horrifying mistakes:
- Awkward subject-verb agreement
- Wrong tenses, word choice, prepositions, or particles
- Spelling and punctuation errors
Nerds are qualified proofreaders, as they have experience helping students check their work. Time to bid those deductions bye-bye!
3. Learning not to Cram all Information is Essential When I Need Help Writing an Essay
Students tend to cram everything in one paragraph, especially when an essay is a couple of pages long. Unfortunately, this renders the essay more unreadable. And teachers will label it as “poorly structured.” Why divide information into paragraphs?
First, it makes the paper more readable. It’s definitely hard to read 10–20 sentences in one paragraph if it consists of several topics. Second, the problem is divided into organized blocks of texts. It follows the formula:
One paragraph=One topic/major point.
The benefit of using this formula is the reader can quickly identify the topic of the paragraph. Lastly, it is more logical, as every question smoothly transitions from one paragraph to the next. For instance, the reader knows that the concluding sentence leads to another “sign” — another topic.
For longer written assignments, it’s not a good idea to cram every idea in one paragraphs. Thus, Nerds help students organize their ideas to create a smooth and readable essay.
Nerds help the student create a detailed or rough outline to organize the latter’s thoughts. Fascinatingly, Nerds developed the ability to discern which parts are meant to be placed on a separate paragraph. They often place the appropriate transition word or phrase to signal the beginning or the end of a section. They also adhere to the requirements set by the student’s professor. And Nerds are prepared to adjust any time!
Once the Nerd organizes and restructures the paper, the teacher will do nothing but gape in amazement!
4. Top Essay Writing Needs a Strong Thesis Statement
“You don’t know what a thesis statement is?”aA teacher incredulously remarked on her student’s knowledge on the thesis statement. It is understandable if students are not familiar with thesis statements. Students may not be even aware of how to form a strong thesis, as may not be guided by their teachers.
Students mistake thesis statements as the “research objective.” This is not exactly the case, as a thesis is the central claim of the paper. Likewise, it is a claim that anyone can dispute or debate on. It additionally serves as the roadmap to the essay’s contents. Further, a thesis is a way to understand or interpret the question or the topic. While it’s possible to evaluate one’s thesis, asking an expert’s help is better.
Students experience difficulty forming a strong and debatable thesis statement, but Nerds mentor their students on how to write an impressive thesis or evaluate it for him/her.
Nerds understand that some students are confused if they are evaluating their thesis “correctly.” As mentors, Nerds will share a checklist of questions for the student to answer. Questions such as the following may appear depending on the Nerd:
- Does my paper contain points that others may oppose?
- Is my thesis a “why” or a “how question?
Additionally, Nerds can make a thesis more specific if they think it’s too general. They can check if the thesis statement the student wrote reflects the whole paper. If not, then the Nerd revises the thesis until it is aligned with the essay’s main arguments.
Alternatively, Nerds provide their students with a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial if the latter does not know how to write a thesis. No need to spend several hours writing and evaluating the thesis statement!
5. Meeting the Deadline Makes you Professional
Requirements, requirements everywhere! Students are burdened with so much homework that they don’t know where to start. Notably, it’s the deadlines that strike fear and pressure into students’ hearts.
Students struggle meeting deadlines because of the following:
- No personal schedule manager to check up on their progress or motivate them.
- Planning takes too much time. Even if they planned, they think they achieved more.
- Work or extracurricular activities.
Unfortunately, missing the deadlines mean facing its dire consequences. One student remembered that at least 60% of her class received a semestral delinquency report from their teachers. The report contained all the requirements they missed. Other consequences include low grades and poor work ethics.
Teachers consider missed deadlines as unprofessional, hence, Nerds create working schedules to motivate students in accomplishing their homework.
Nerds aid students in formulating a working schedule. If the student consents, their personal Nerd may set an internal deadline for longer projects. Nerds check on their progress to ensure that their students are doing their part of the trade. It challenges students to break out from their shell of procrastination.
Interestingly, students who ask Nerds to create a schedule for them are shown to be less stressful. They also feel that their workload is within their control. Goodbye, academics… hello, professionalism!
Final Notes
Writing academic papers is not a walk in the park. It takes immense effort and grit to aim high. But Nerds make writing less stressful. They share hacks and tricks to allow students to work on their papers efficiently.
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